Starting a business can be exciting, but it comes with its own set of challenges. One of the crucial steps in setting up a business in Louisiana is to register for a DBA (Doing Business As) name. A DBA name is an alternative business name that a company can use to conduct its operations under a different name. A DBA name provides businesses with flexibility in branding, promotions, and advertising.

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If you plan to use a name other than your legal name to conduct business, it is essential to register for a DBA name. Here are the steps to follow when registering your business name in Louisiana.

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Step 1: Choose a DBA Name

Before registering for the DBA name, select your preferred name carefully. Your chosen DBA name must not be identical or closely related to any existing business name. Additionally, the name must not be trademarked or reserved for another business entity.

After coming up with at least three alternative names, the next step is to conduct a name search. Louisiana Secretary of State provides an online business entitiy name search tool on its website. You can use this tool to determine the availability of your DBA name.

Step 2: File a Fictitious Name Certificate

Once you have decided on your name, it is essential to file registration for a Fictitious Name Certificate. The State of Louisiana requires every business owner who operates their business under a DBA to file this certificate with the Secretary of State. You can use Louisiana Secretary of State's online platform, "GeauxBiz," to complete your registration process.

Follow these simple steps to successfully file your Fictitious Name Certificate:

- Register an account or sign in to the [GeauxBiz portal].

- Choose the type of filing and proceed with your registration.

- Provide your basic business information, including business name, business purpose, and business type.

- Provide the registered agent's full name and address for your LLC.

- Provide your contractor's license number if you're a contractor/construction-related business.

- Submit the required fee to the Secretary of State.

Once your Fictitious Name Certificate has been processed (usually around 10-15 business days), you'll receive a Confirmation of Filed State of Louisiana Fictitious Name Certificate.

Step 3: Publish Your DBA Name

After filing your Fictitious Name Certificate with the Louisiana Secretary of State, you must then publish your approved DBA in a local newspaper in the parish where your business has its registered principal office. You must publish your DBA name at least once in a local newspaper before the deadline stated on the Confirmation of Filing certificate.

The purpose of publicizing your business' DBA is to ensure the public is aware of your business' alternate name and is less likely to be confused with any other similar competitor businesses.

Step 4: Renew Your DBA Name

If you're running your business under a fictitious name, you must maintain your DBA name current and up to date with the State. Louisiana Secretary of State requires its citizens to renew their Fictitious Name Certificate registration every five years.

Renewing your DBA name registration is straightforward. Follow the steps given below to successfully renew your fictitious name

- Log in to your registered account via [GeauxBiz portal] using your user name and password.

- Select the business entity type whose DBA you want to renew.

- Review the renewal information and complete the registration form.

- Submit the necessary administrative fee for completion.

After successfully renewing your DBA status, Louisiana Secretary of State provides businesses with yet another five years of protected status.


Obtaining the proper DBA names is indispensable for any business that operates under a pseudonym. Creating and maintaining a clear, secure, and convincing firm name providing customers with more verification to trust your company.'

Follow these simple steps we have listed above clear out having any confusion in attaining the proper DBA registration in Louisiana. Always remember, with strict regulation regarding paperwork and state registration requirements, steady guidance from an experienced legal professional may be especially advantageous when getting a business control is already beneficial.

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